January 2021

From Kuchela to Sudhama

  • admin 

This is not just a story from Shrimad Bhagavata. This has relevance in our lives as well. Our souls are bound by a Kuchela, which is the linga shareera (the subtle body). As long as the linga shareera exists, we cannot be liberated from the misery of the endless cycle of birth and death.

Śrīmadrāmāyaṇa – Part 1

Rāmāyaṇa is a holy epic that awards eminence in life. It bestows the virtue and eligibility to cross over and rise above the lower realms. The Rāmāyaṇa grants all that one wishes for; including Vaikunta – the very abode of Lord Rāmā.

Spirit of the upanishads

The enchanting spirit of the Upanishads

Vedanta shows things which can never be seen with mortal eyes. The majesty and supremacy of Narayana who is the Supreme Brahman is the central theme of the Upanishads. However, to see what they show requires the right vision.

Harihara Kshetra Darshana by Shri Vadirajaru

Just as two counteracting elements — a poison and its antidote — can be found in a single medium, both Hari and Hara co-exist in the same murthy. Sri Vadiraja explains that in reality both Hari and Hara are different. Although this explanation seems simple, it is an example of Sri Vadiraja’s immense talent.

Deeksha - Vishnu Rahasya


A person who displays the insignia of Vishnu’s weapons and ornaments is to be treated just like a murthy in a temple or home, and accorded the same reverence.

Trinavatra - Sarvamoola Patrika

Pay for your actions

  • Akshaya 

Once a demon named tṛṇāvarta, came in the form of a gale to kill Lord Shri Krishna. He was like the Prana Vayu (one among the pancha pranas or primary winds in the body) of all the demons. He was very arrogant.

Bheemasena samo nasti

Bheemasena samo nasti – 3

  • Lakshmi 

It is said in the Mahabharata that Ashwamedha is the greatest among sacrifices, the Sun is superior among luminous bodies, one with the knowledge of the Supreme Brahman is superior among bipeds, and Lord Vayu is supreme among deities (after Lord Shri Hari and His consort Goddess Mahalakshmi).

durvasa cursing ambareesha

Atone at the root of the sin

  • Lakshmi 

Rectifying one’s mistake at its source and apologizing to the person to whom the pain was inflicted are vital to clean the conscience. Without this, any other act to please the Lord would be futile just like expecting relief from a soothing balm applied elsewhere other than on the wound.