
Bheemasena samo nasti

Bheemasena samo nasti – 3

  • Lakshmi 

It is said in the Mahabharata that Ashwamedha is the greatest among sacrifices, the Sun is superior among luminous bodies, one with the knowledge of the Supreme Brahman is superior among bipeds, and Lord Vayu is supreme among deities (after Lord Shri Hari and His consort Goddess Mahalakshmi).

durvasa cursing ambareesha

Atone at the root of the sin

  • Lakshmi 

Rectifying one’s mistake at its source and apologizing to the person to whom the pain was inflicted are vital to clean the conscience. Without this, any other act to please the Lord would be futile just like expecting relief from a soothing balm applied elsewhere other than on the wound.

Bimba and his abode

Bimba and His Abode

  • Lakshmi 

Ultimately, for any seeker, obtaining divine grace through ripened devotion and constant contemplation of the Bimba form by dhyāna, with a clear understanding of the absolute supremacy and independence of the Lord, is most essential for Bimbāparōkṣa and Mōkṣa.

Bheemasena samo nasti

Bheemasena Samo Nasti

Although they were always protected by the Supreme Lord, the Pandavas never refrained from performing their duties. With His grace, they harnessed their inner abilities and grew up, relieving the people around them of troubles and creating an environment like a paradise, wherever they went. Throughout the Mahabharata, there are several instances which depict these feats of the Pandavas. It is evident from these illustrations that the meaning of the Vedas can be understood by studying the Mahabharata.

Image-A word to all fathers

A word to all fathers

  • Lakshmi 

When our desires are beyond the bounds of morality, we destroy ourselves. Our desires (thoughts) should be under our control, and not the other way around. This is the path to welfare.

Udhalaka & Shwetaketu

Sensing the Lord’s omnipresence

  • Lakshmi 

This world is created by the Lord. The living beings, the myriad inanimate objects, the diverse animal and plant life around us are a constant reminder of it’s creator.

Doership of souls

Doership of Souls

  • Lakshmi 

Realising his mistake, Kaśyapa requests the sage to advise him a way to cleanse his sins. Sage Śākalya asks Kaśyapa to take bath in the holy water of Svāmi Puṣkarṇi to get absolved from this sin. Kaśyapa does as directed and relieves himself of his sins and gets accepted by the society again.